Julianna Milestones

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Since the day that Julianna has entered our lives you’ve seen her grow along with us. With the twins coming along and after my previous post about my baby bump progress. I wanted to look back and share with you a few of Baby Juliann’s firsts!I know there are many more, even some that stand out in your minds that I may have missed but here are just a few that come in mind for me. Now that the twins are just a few days away, I’ve been spending as much quality time with Julianna as possible and looking back on these old vlogs and photos makes me excited to know that I will share these moments again with Keira and Miyako with their big sister JB there too!

LEARNING TO WALK! – September 02, 2013
For more updates on the arrival of the Twins and daily updates make sure to like and follow me on Facebook. We will be announcing everything there and sharing exclusive photos and videos on my Its Judy Time page.
Share your favorite Julianna moments with me on Facebook I’d love to re-live them with you!


ItsJudyTime // BellezaConJudy /ItsJudysLife //ItsMommysLife