How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night

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How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night

I get so many questions on my ItsMommysLife Channel about how we are able to get our girls to sleep throughout the night. So I wanted to share with the sleep schedule and tips on how we do just that!

Currently, this is what the sleep schedule is for Miya and Keira:

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My biggest tip would definitely be to stick to a schedule and routine!

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Nap Time Routine:

When it’s getting close to the girls nap time around 11:30am, we will change their diapers and give them milk while we are doing that. When we put them to bed we turn on music. Youtube is the best place we turn to for hour long songs for their naps. When they hear the music they know its nap time.

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One thing we had to get used to at first was putting our babies down when they are still awake.

Trust me, this will be difficult initially, because they will resist going to sleep.  But as long as you cover all your bases, you can put them down ,close the door and walk away calmly and they will self sooth and fall right asleep!

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Make sure to cover these bases for bed time:

– Babies diaper changed.

– Baby is full and not hungry.

 – The room temperature isn’t too hot or too cold.

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The first few times you do this you will hear them cry and it will be hard to not to go back in and pick them up. But they will learn how to self sooth, and adjust to this new routine and soon enough, they fall right asleep.It took us about a week to get into this routine ourselves, so just keep at it.

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Night Time Routine:

 This goes the same as the nap time routine. But one of the most important is that baby has a full belly. Whenever they didn’t eat too much throughout the day for whatever reason, we give them some bread to fill them up so they don’t go to sleep hungry.

Another great tip is to give your baby a nice warm bath. The warm soothing bath helps relax the baby so they are ready for bed!


Lastly, we like to make sure our girls have a nice warm comfortable room, especially because we live in an area where the weather is much cooler. We like to use a space heater in the twins room and set it at about 70/75 degrees, because it’s colder on that end of the house. The subtle white noise that comes from the heater and the warmth that it radiates, really helps them go to sleep.

With this routine, our girls sleep about 11 Hours each night.

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Julianna’s night time routine is about the same as Miya & Keira’s, but she doesn’t need the music anymore and sleeps around the same time.

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I hope these tips helped you. If you have some tips you want to share with the other Mommies & Daddies  leave them in the comments below!

Watch How To Get Baby To Sleep Through The Night video HERE:


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ItsJudyTime // BellezaConJudy /ItsJudysLife //ItsMommysLife